Safety Gear, or PPE as its better known in these Covid times.
Aircraft deployment is oft times weather dependant.
The same ‘luxury’ is rarely afforded to our Ground Homing Technicians. They can be despatched to locate active ELTs/EPIRBs 24/7 regardless of most weather conditions.

With financial assistance from the BG Gaming Commission, MIASARS has taken the initiative to provide our Technicians with all weather gear to help combat the elements, which on the Island can be extreme.  Visibility is equally important.

Creature comfort was not the only rationale behind our investment.

During any Search we, CASARA, have no absolute authority to enter private property or land.  Permission must be sought.  At any time of the day, especially late at night, a “uniform” has a calming influence and adds an ‘air’ of authority and professionalism.

Don’t ‘they’ look great ….. the Jackets, of course !